Positive Behaviour of Learning (PBL) - Overview of rewards
Gotcha rewards
Every day the students can earn Gotchas for displaying our values of being respectful, responsible, a learner and safe. When a student has 10 blue Gotchas, they can trade these in for a Gold Gotcha.
Twice a term (usually weeks 4 and 8) we have a Gotcha Reward at lunch where students who have 4 Gold Gotchas can swap these for a wristband, and then participate in the reward.
End of term rewards
At the end of the term there is a special reward activity for those students who did not receive any minor or major behaviour entries on OneSchool throughout the entire year. This is usually a wet play day.
End of year reward
At the end of the year there is a special reward activity for those students who did not receive any minor or major behaviour entries on OneSchool throughout the entire year. This is usually a wet play day.